Jacob Shaw

Jacob Shaw’s BITD Parker 250 Race Report

“Black Rhino Performance/Racer X Motorsports Sponsored Athlete Jacob Shaw’s Best in the Desert Parker 250 Race Report”

El Cajon, CA, January 19, 2016– Best in the Desert’s first race of the season took place in Parker, AZ on Saturday, January 7, 2016. Jacob Shaw raced his #991 Polaris RZR XP Turbo in the Pro Turbo UTV class, finishing 12th.

“I had such a good time at my 1st race this season.  We had a few issues with the car but in the overall picture they were minor. We can adjust for them for the Polaris RZR UTV World Championship 2016 in a few weeks.  A brief run down of the race is the car ran great. Since we modified the body we had to come up with adding an air filter on the clutch air supply hose. This turned out to be too restrictive and we broke 2 belts before we made it to the Midway Pits.  Once we fixed the problem our track times were up with the top 5 finishers.  I ended up finishing 12th in my class. Thank you to Kenny and the Black Rhino team team for choosing me again to sponsor this year.” Shaw reported.

The POLARIS RZR UTV WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP takes place February 18, 19, 20, 2016